Money Diary: What I Spend in a Week Living in Atlanta

Let’s talk money. Not the awkward dinner table conversation kind, but the insightful, self-reflective kind. We all have a relationship with money; sometimes, it’s complicated….


Let’s talk money. Not the awkward dinner table conversation kind, but the insightful, self-reflective kind. We all have a relationship with money; sometimes, it’s complicated.

Think of it as a financial food journal. For a set period, you track every single penny you spend. From that morning latte to the unexpected car repair, it all goes down on paper (or more likely, a spreadsheet).

But why? What’s the point of baring your bank account to the blogosphere (or just yourself)? Here’s the magic:

  • Awareness is Power: Tracking your spending reveals patterns you might have missed. That daily coffee habit might be a more significant budget suck than you realized. Maybe those weekend brunches are putting a dent in your savings goals. Once you see it all laid out, you can make informed choices.

  • Beyond the Numbers: Money diaries aren’t just about the cold, hard cash. They can be a window into your lifestyle and values. Are you spending most of your money on experiences or material things? Does your spending reflect your priorities?

  • Budgeting Buddy: Feeling lost in the land of spreadsheets and financial jargon? Money diaries can be a jumping-off point for creating a budget that works for you. Seeing your spending habits can help you set realistic goals and track your progress.

  • Community Connection: Sharing your money diary (if you’re comfortable!) can be a great way to connect with others. You’ll be surprised how many people struggle with similar financial challenges. Sharing tips and experiences can be a source of support and motivation.

money diary

This post is all about money diary.

Here’s my Money Diary of what I spend and save in a week living in Atlanta.


Life insurance: $11.50

Ga Power: $209.02

Walgreen’s: $9.00

Tacos and Tequila: $33.70

Summer Camp for MJ: $265.00

Total spent: $528.22

monday money diary


Discover credit card: $265.00

Navy Federal credit card: $300

Total spent: $565

tuesday money diary


Cards for MJ: $21.18

Total spent: $21.18

wednesday money diary


No spend day

Total spent: $0


Google storage: $1.99

Hair: $125

Total spent: $126.99

friday money diary


Jewelry: $75

Total spent: $75

saturday money diary


Marco’s Pizza: $17.97

Krystal’s: $6.46

Airport Parking: $36.00

Total spent: $60.43

sunday money diary

Total spent in a week: $1376.82

Ready to Give it a Try?

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • A Tracking Tool: There are plenty of budgeting apps out there, or you can keep it simple with a pen and notebook.
  • Honesty: Be real with yourself about where your money goes. No judgment here!
  • Reflection: After a week or a month, take some time to analyze your spending. Are there any surprises?

Remember, a money diary is a tool for self-discovery, not a competition. It’s about understanding your relationship with money and making informed choices for a financially secure future. So, what are you waiting for? Open up your wallet and see where your money story takes you!

the budget notebook

click here to download